Regional Museum Jagodina, Serbia

POVEZ ESNAFSKE KNJIGE ILI LUKSUZNI SPOMEN ALBUM? Prilog izučavanju unikatnog knjigoveštva
A GUILD BOOK COVER OR A LUXURIOUS MEMORIAL ALBUM? Contribution to the Study of Luxury Bookbinding

Journal 13/2017 (Museum of Applied Art), pages 62-70

Article category: scientific review

74.071.1 Моржањи Ј.

Abstract (original language):
U članku se obrađuje muzejski predmet koji se dugo smatrao Esnafskom knjigom za varoš Jagodinu. Reč je o bogato opremljenom povezu od štavljene kože, pozlaćenog okvira od mesinga izvedenog u livu i perforaciji, sa ukrasima od višebojne paste u emajlu i četiri kružna medaljona sa minijaturama u akvarelu. Na gornjoj korici je kartuš sa troslovnim monogramom i lentom sa ugraviranim godinama 1874–1896. Nakon analize predmet se ukazao u novom svetlu: nakon što su otkrivene legende na nemačkom jeziku na poleđini minijatura, postala je jasnija ikonografija medaljona, dok je uočavanje analogija u grupi spomen albuma darivanih članovima društvene elite pomoglo prilikom utvrđivanja identiteta autora poveza: bio je to Jožef Moržanji (József Morzsányi), jedan od vodećih budim- peštanskih dizajnera, knjigovezaca i medaljera u periodu od 1870. godine do poznih tridesetih godina XX veka.

Key words: (original language)
povez, knjigoveštvo, album, minijatura, Jožef Moržanji (József Morzsányi)

The paper deals with an object long considered to be a guild book of the town of Jagodina; it is kept in the Regional Museum in Jagodina. It has the form of a luxurious leather binding framed in gilt brass with cast and pierced ornaments, additionally adorned with floral designs in multicolored enamel paste and four medallions in the corners with miniatures painted in watercolour. The central position on the front cover is occupied by an elaborate cartouche containing a monogram with three letters “PJC“ in blue, white and red. Below the letters, there is a metal ribbon engraved with the years 1874–1896.

The thorough analysis of the object has brought to light new data. The discovery of legends in German, inscribed on the background of all four miniatures, has made it possible to explain the miniature scenes in medallions; they represent Commerce (Handel), Banking (Bankhaus), Accounting (Buchhaltung, Beamte), and Industry (Industrie). During the research, close analogies were found in a group of bindings designed as decorative albums in the collections of the Austrian National Library in Vienna, the Museum of Applied Art in Budapest, and the Museum of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. The analogies have enabled the author of the article to identify the luxurious binding as a memorial album made as a gift to an unidentified owner of the monogram and to establish the identity of the craftsman who made it. It was József Morzsányi, the leading bookbinder and medalist in Budapest, active from 1870 until the late 1930s. The author also argues that the painter of the miniatures may have been Ernst August Krahl (1858–1926), a German painter who resided in Vienna, but was comissioned to design a throne chair for the Hungarian Millenial Exposition in 1896, the very year the album in the Jagodina museum is dated to.

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