Јевта Јевтовић

Сава Сандић: мала украсна и примеwена пластика, Музеј примеwене уметности, Београд, 2002, 92 стр. текста, 61 црно-бела репродукција, 14 табли у боји, библиографија 3 стр., резиме на енглеском језику
Sava Sandic: Small Decorative and Applied Plastic, Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade, 2002, 92 text pages, 71 black and white photographs, 14 color tables, 3 pages of bibliography, summary in English

Зборник 1/2005 (Музеј примењене уметности), страна 127-130

Sava Sandic (1915) is a member of the large and talented generation of modern educated Serbian sculptors which appeared on the art stage of Belgrade, Serbia and former Yugoslavia after the Second World War. At the beginning he was under the influence of the older outstanding artists that cherished the traditional, realistic and naturalistic concept of the sculptural expression. Later he progressively evolved towards the subtile stylization and the reduction of forms of his mainly human figures and moved to poetic and lyrical realism. In that manner he created his large and small statues, public monuments, sculptures of the nude women, so called park statues, numerous portaits of well known people, animalistic plastic...He exhibited a lot and for a long time he has been famous, aworded and recognized first of all as a sculptor of the humanistic orientation with pronounced psihological shaded figures and rafined modeling and treatment of the form.

The Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade, publishing the monography with the title „Small Decorative and Applied Plastic“ (2002), wanted to affirm and present Sava Sandic to the public as a special master of the series of objects from the field of applied arts and it succeded in that task. Untill then those artistic works remained, to a certain degree, in the shadow of his highly respected sculptural activities. From the monography it can be concluded, in addition to everything else, that Sandic in his creativity did not have two criterions – „higher“ for the sculpture and „lower“ for the small plastic and various object of applied art. The rich experience in sculptoral work and exceptional knowledge and control over the different materials (stone, wood, marble, bone, plaster, copper, silver...) were useful during manufacture of the countless lockets, reliefs, medallions, medals, portrets, ornamental objects, decorative plates, bowls, vases, ashtrays, unique jawelries... He was occupied with this activity continuously – from the beginning of his career to nowdays.

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