University of Arts, Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Arts, Department of Interior and Furniture Design


Journal 14/2018 (Museum of Applied Art), pages 70-79

Article category: scientific review


Abstract (original language):
Parametarski generisana geometrijska forma zasniva se na međusobnom povezivanju geometrijskih elemenata, a krajnji proizvod je entitet zasnovan na parametrima. Na promenu jednog ili više parametara ostatak modela će reagovati promenom početnog geometrijskog oblika na osnovu unapred postavljenih asocijativnih pravila. Pojam parametra potiče iz matematike i odnosi se na upotrebu određenih varijabli uz pomoć kojih se krajnji rezultat funkcije ili sistema može menjati ili oblikovati. U arhitekturi je to proces istraživanja mogućnosti koje nudi odgovarajući trodimenzionalni model. Upotreba algoritama i softvera za parametarsko generisanje složenih formi nema za cilj usvajanje konačnog rešenja, već pruža izbor unutar skupa mogućih ishoda.

Analogno i digitalno u procesu parametarskog generisanja geometrijske forme u dizajnu enterijera i nameštaja nisu u potpunosti razdvojeni. Parametarski modelovan arhitektonski sklop isuviše je dominantan da bi dozvolio nezavisan dizajn enterijera. Dizajniranje arhitektonskog sklopa i dizajn enterijera i nameštaja unutar te arhitekture jedinstven je stvaralački poduhvat vođen parametarskim načelima dizajna. Enterijer oblikovan u skladu sa principima parametricizma čitamo kao skup oblika koje karakterišu autentična geometrija, kompozicioni zakoni i prostorni efekti. Karakteristika ovog skupa je utisak koherencije, uprkos bogatstvu različitosti ostvarenih prostornih struktura i dizajniranih proizvoda unutar njih.

Key words: (original language)
geometrija, dizajn, enterijer, modelovanje, parametar

Parametrically generated geometric form is based on the interconnection of geometric elements, with parameterbased end results. The designer uses appropriate software tools to define the relationships between the different parameters of the model. When one or more parameters are altered, the rest of the model will respond by changing the original geometric shape according to pre-defined associative rules. The term 'parameter' is adopted from mathematics and it refers to the use of parameters that can be altered so as to manipulate or alter the end result of an equation or a system. Geometric parametric modelling in architecture is a process of exploring options provided by a 3D model in order to obtain an optimal solution according to pre-defined goals. Modern graphic software for geometric form modelling is necessary in all current and future efforts in this field.

There is no clear boundary between the analogue and digital approach to generating a geometric form in interior and furniture design. The design process often begins with sketches, which are later transposed into the field of digital geometric form modelling. Parametrically modelled architectural structure is too dominant to allow independent interior design, accordingly, it is not justified to interpret them as two separate processes. The design of an architectural structure and interior and furniture design within the structure is a unique creative enterprise guided by the parametric principles of design. The interior shaped according to parametric principles is perceived as a set of shapes with an authentic geometry, composition rules and spatial effects. This set is characterized by a sense of coherence in spite of the differences among the spatial structures and designed objects within. The design is not characterized by monotonous repetition as our field of vision is constantly altered, while the dense, intensely filled zones alternate with large calm areas. These compositions are usually polycentric and multidirectional. All these characteristics are a result of multiple perspectival projections enabled by projective geometry.

As design must satisfy both functional and formal demands, one cannot simply add elements onto geometric parametric modelling matrix without aiming for a comprehensive formal solution. Parametrically modelled geometric form in interior and furniture design is a generic component of design rather than an isolated, special place.

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