Mirjana Vajdić-Bajić

Izložba realizovanih enterijera 2001-2002, Galerija Singidunum, Begrad, od 16. do 26. aprila 2002. godine

Exhibition of realized interiors 2001-2002, Gallery Singidunum, Belgrade, from April 16 – April 26, 2002

Journal 1/2005 (Museum of Applied Art), pages 113-115

The art team G:DESIGN (led by the architect Vladimir Gugl in actual ensemble: graphic designer Ivana Gugl, interior designer Ivan Gugl, industrial designer Miloš Joksimović and architect Đorđe Milanović) is seen as a unique entirety, whose short but frequent activities, mostly in the central urban zone, affirmed the respectable and, at the same time avantgarde, approach to shaping of interiors under the auspices of a representative architectural complex of the 19th and 20th centuries’ styles. Belonging to the generation of artists born during 70’s (which experienced large transfer of knowledge under the pressure of negative selection, and extremely bad economic and social surrounding), made a reputation with the domestic investors and professional public with an impressive design of restaurant and shop interiors of new typology, whose basic stylistic belief is founded in international revival of the spirit of modern art and constructivism. Their flexible approach to design, respectful not only of the historic architectural heritage, but also of the users, the function and the projection of micro urban complex into the future, they made ambiences that, with the details designed with originality, harmony, bold colour scheme, inspire urban population of all generations, the population which, in spite of unbelievable quantity of negative circumstances, preserved the immanent wish of the Balkans and Mediterranean man to „get out“ to the street, to square, people. In several examples one can discern characteristic models of action of the team that superimposed an answer to the challenge of uniqueness of space to this formation of a uniform stylistic handwriting, thus endowing each of them with an authentic aesthetic dimension. So, near the oldest newspaper endowment in the Balkans, „Politika“, there grew out the interior of „Café Firm“, all in contrasts of chrome details, black-and-white „graphism“, of „retro“ palisanders, as a counterpoint to the traditional bohemian meeting place in the neighbourhood. The tendency of descending into the subterranean spaces with ultra-modern designs by which old European cities, such as Amsterdam, preserve and revive their cities’ nuclei, is followed by an Internet café „Net-zone“, in the nearby Svetogorska Street. And, while here the futuristic vision of the inventory is present, a sophisticated retro pop art is discernible throughout a disco club „Cvijeta Zuzorić“ (in reality, the basement of an art pavilion built in 1928), bringing in mind the respectful „New York Times“, in order to mark this place on the map of Belgrade’s restaurants of new generation. „Portobelo“ (café, sweetshop, restaurant) near Slavija (the mortal wound of Belgrade’s urban design) represents the crown of the work of this young, but fruitful and extremely harmonious, team. The „European atmosphere“ (achieved by the luxurious materials used for floors, in the shapes of upholstered details and in the light-motive of „Barbery“ graphism) is obviously seasoned by specific warmth and hospitality – the signs of resurrection of Belgrade’s „genius loci“.

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