Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade

VREME PORCELANSKIH FIGURA: figurine XVIII i XIX veka iz zbirke Muzeja primenjene umetnosti
THE ERA OF PORCELAIN FIGURES: The 18th and 19th Century Figurines from the Collection of the Museum of Applied Art

Journal 10/2014 (Museum of Applied Art), pages 18-27


Abstract (original language):
Istorija proizvodnje evropskog porcelana, kao i njegova ključna uloga u okviru poimanja luksuza istraživala se u okviru dekorativnih umetnosti i istorije kulture. Mnogo manje pažnje posvećeno je jedinstvenim estetskim osobinama porcelana i značaju u okviru šireg kulturnog diskursa koji je imao u kontektu personalnog, a ponekad i nacionalnog identiteta, iz kojih proističu i različiti oblici njegove prezentacije. Pojava figurina, kao jednog segmenta proizvodnje porcelana i jednog oblika novovekovne „fascinacije porcelanom“, od samog početka imala je određeni značaj. Poput minijatura, porcelanske figure malih dimenzija, sa minuciozno obrađenim detaljima, bile su namenjene posmatranju iz blizine. Takvi porcelanski predmeti oslikavaju ne samo vreme u kojem nastaju i kulturnu sredinu, već i njihovu estetsku funkciju u okviru različitih segmenata kulture življenja.Upravo je cilj ovog rada da ukaže na istoriju pojave te vrste dekorativne umetnosti, njene estetske osobine i ulogu u okvirima kulture novog veka. U tom smislu, rad će obuhvatiti i analizu predmeta iz zbirke Muzeja primenjene umetnosti nastalih u novovekovnim manufakturama (Majsen, KPM).

Key words: (original language)
Zbirka, Majsen, muzej, KPM, porcelan, figurine

The appearance of figurines, as one segment of production of porcelain, represented an important element in Early Modern culture. Considered within the scope of decorative arts they offer us an image of the times and the culture of living from which they emerged.

The first part of this essay represents a kind of introduction into the history of emergence, shaping and development of this kind of porcelain in Europe. Special accent here is given to evolution of the porcelain figurines, to interpretation of their aesthetics and the roles they were assigned in various aspects of Early Modern culture, i.e. during the 18th and the 19th centuries. The second part of the essay deals with the analysis of the objects that are classified according to certain thematic wholes in the collection of the Museum of Applied Art. The objects presented in this essay form a segment of the Museum's collection of European porcelain figures, and were created in leading European manufactures at the end of the 18th and during the 19th century. We tried to establish clear concrete frames of production of the porcelain figures with introduction of certain thematic wholes, which actually follow general points of references of art of the period in question, and that immediately influenced shaping and development of this kind of porcelain objects. Inspired by the mythological fables from Ovid's Metamorphoses, by music, or everyday life, or by famous personages of the Early Modern culture, the figurines from the Museum's collection have certainly had strong influence to the presentation and building of identities of their owners and commissioners.

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