University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture Department of Architecture
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture Department of Architecture

PRILOG REVITALIZACIJI SELA: afirmacija značaja umetničkih artefakata u ruralnim ambijentima Srbije
CONTRIBUTION TO THE REVITALIZATION OF THE VILLAGE: Affirmation of the Significance of Artistic Artefacts in Rural Environments of Serbia

Journal 17/2021 (Museum of Applied Art), pages 76-86

Article category: review article

COBISS.SR-ID 54026505

Abstract (original language):
Sa različitih aspekata razmatra se značaj umetničkih artefakata (memorijalnih celina, spomenika, skulptura, bisti, česama, fontana i drugih elemenata uređenja slobodnih površina i ambijenata) u ruralnim sredinama, a u kontekstu njihove eventualne socioprostorne revitalizacije. Analizira se problematika ruralnih prostora i njihovo uređenje u Srbiji, kao i društveno-ideološki kontekst negovanja kulture sećanja i simbolike umetničkih artefakata u cilju prostornog kultivisanja seoskih ambijenata. Na primerima se istražuje značaj i potreba za kreacijama umetnika u prostoru, koje osim upotrebno-korisnog svakodnevnog značaja, sadrže i elemente simbolike, memorije i duhovnosti, a sa gledišta kulturološkog uticaja na ponašanje i adaptabilnost stanovništva. Osim navedenog, prilog proverava mogućnost pristupa rekonstrukciji seoskih centara realizacijom malih zahvata, u smislu uređenja i revitalizacije mikroambijenata. Rad se osvrće i na potrebu deideologizacije kulture sećanja, odnosno na potrebu za negovanjem postavljanja i zaštite memorijala i drugih skulptoralno-umetničkih i ambijentalnoutilitarnih vrednosti, kao svojevrsnih zapisa i potvrde kontinuiteta u socioprostornom smislu.

Key words: (original language)
ambijentalno uređenje, kultura sećanja, revitalizacija sela, ruralni kontekst, umetnički artefakti

This paper analyses the significance of artistic artefacts in rural areas (memorials, monuments, sculptures, busts, basreliefs, fountains and other elements of landscaping and ambience) in the context of their possible socio-spatial revitalization.

The Introduction discusses the aspects of spatial planning in Serbia, and spatial tendencies and doctrines of different periods: the period of the traditional Serbia of the 18th, 19th and first half of the 20th century, discontinuity period lasting from the Second World War to the present day, the period of real socialism, the turbulent period of the late 20th and early 21st century, and the transition period.

Furthermore, the paper deals with the rural space in Serbia and the context for understanding the need to install artistic artefacts in the rural environment, ranging from the formation of socio-spatial units to the development phases (agrarian, craft, and industrial). The culture of remembrance throughout history and the authorities' attitude towards the village following the Second World War are commented later on.

In the part of the text referring to the socially-adaptable and spatially-ambient aspects of arranging Serbian village centres, 12 reflections, i.e., perceptions of the paper's topic are presented. This explains the authors' insistence on giving importance to artists' involvement in the revitalization of villages and their centres.

In the section describing three cases (attempts or ideas) of arranging centres in Serbian rural areas, in addition to sharing the facts of specific examples, the authors present their views in order to consider certain previously commented aspects of the issues analysed in this paper. The concluding remarks present a view on the possibility of inverting the sequence of procedures in an attempt to revitalize Serbian villages, and suggest that such a process should begin with the attempt to build a Monument to Identity, Existence and Duration in every Serbian rural settlement that has pretentions to its own survival.

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