istoričar umetnosti, Beograd


Zbornik 8/2012 (Muzej primenjene umetnosti), strana 99-108

741.5.071.1 Хецл А.
ИД 195692044

Rad se bavi strip-stvaralaštvom Aleksandra Hecla (1926–1991), ilustratora, strip-stvaraoca i slikara koji je ostao nepoznat zvaničnim akademskim krugovima. Iz opusa koji broji preko trista ilustracija, nekoliko stotina skica, crteža i slika, stripovi su izdvojeni zbog vrednosti i grafičke posebnosti koju uživaju na domaćoj strip-sceni. Stripovi su bili i početna tačka za otkrivanje celokupnog Heclovog opusa.

Primenom kulturološkog i ikonološkog metoda, analiziran je dostupni materijal i izvršena je podela Heclovog opusa na rani i pozni period. Istraživanje je imalo za cilj da ukaže na značaj i vrednost, kako stripova, tako i celokupnog umetničkog stvaralaštva Aleksandra Hecla, posebno na njegov crtački postupak; da rehabilituje opus ovog umetnika kome je 1991, posthumno, dodeljena ULUPUDS-ova nagrada za životno delo.

U radu je dat hronološki pregled svih Heclovih stripova, nastalih u periodu od 1956. do 1984 godine, uz likovnu i ideološku analizu pojedinih ostvarenja, razmatranje njihovog mesta na domaćoj strip-sceni i značaja koji su imali za njen razvoj. Osim toga razmotren je i uticaj celokupnog Heclovog stvaralaštva na mlađe generacije strip-crtača i ilustratora.

U širem kontekstu, bavljenje Heclovim stvaralaštvom razvija svest o stripu kao značajnoj umetničkoj kategoriji i o potrebi njegovog integrisanja i proučavanja u okviru opštih istorijsko-umetničkih tokova.

Ključne reči:
Aleksandar Hecl, stilizacija, strip, crtež

This paper explores comic book oeuvre of Aleksandar – Šaca Hecl (1926-1991), an illustrator, comic book artist and painter. Painting and visual arts have been Hecl's field of work for fifty years and he drew over three hundred illustrations for books, magazines, school text books, twenty comic books and hundreds of sketches and oil paintings. The emphasis is on comic books, which have been a starting point for discovering Hecl's oeuvre, due to their value and graphic uniqueness on national comic book scene.

Hecl's work that could have been accessed has been analyzed applying cultural and iconological method and has been divided into early period and later period. A specific drawing technique and gradual development of style towards more free drawing, stylized form and more free treatment of basic comic book elements are common characteristics of these two periods. Stylistically, Hecl's comic books follow the maintrends on the national comic book scene; in his later work he has been one of the heralds of a new comic book graphic style and his drawing technique has had a direct impact on younger artists.

Hecl's comic books, especially those from his later period, represent an important segment in the transition of domestic comic book from classical realism to new modern form. He was one of the most outstanding realists, but also one of the doyens of a new comic book technique of the 1970s and 1980s. His comic book oeuvre has yet to be analyzed thoroughly.

In a broader sense context, analyzing Hecl's work helps to develop understanding of comic book as an important art category and also of a need of its integration into and studying of in the framework of general historical and artistic tendencies.

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