teoretičar umetnosti i medija, Akademija lepih umetnosti, Beograd


Zbornik 7/2011 (Muzej primenjene umetnosti), strana 111-118

316.776:72.012.7/.8 ; 316.334.56:316.752 ; 72.012.7/.8:792.021
ИД 188185100

U vreme masovne proizvodnje i potrošnje svega, pa i umetničkih dela, kada tržište u celini preuzima logiku, sredstva i karakter pozorišta i primenjuje ih u svakom aspektu savremenog života, teatralizacija komercijalnih izloga postaje paradigma „društva spektakla“. Proces građenja identiteta prodavnice komercijalne robe zasnovan je na ukupnoj ideologiji robne marke ili uspostavljanju slike o životnom stilu koji ta robna marka zastupa. Postajući značajan deo ukupne scenografske slike prostora ispred i iza „kulisa“, „scena“ u izlogu prodavnice komercijalne robe liči na pravi scenski prostor, postajući mesto ubeđivanja i zadovoljavanja mašte kupaca. Istovremeno, autentični izraz izloga zanatske radnje, bez obzira na činjenicu da nije daleko vreme u kome će u stvarnom životu savremenog grada ovakav izlog prestati da postoji, ostaje trajna vrednost i primer koji govori o mogućoj organskoj vezi između proizvodnje i predstavljanja. Identitet zanatske radnje zasnovan je na vrednostima proizvoda, ideologiji zanatske proizvodnje i politici prodaje, a odlikuje ga uspostavljanje jedinstvene celine u odnosu na vizuelni identitet, poruke i okruženje. Izloženi predmeti, zahvaljujući svojim oblicima, svojstvima materijala od kojih su načinjeni, boji, kao i međusobnim prostornim odnosima, grade ambijent u kome, bez prethodne namere, proizvod stiče scensku vrednost. Upoređujući filozofije izlaganja, a zatim i građenja identiteta dve podvrste izloga kao pozorišta, razmotrićemo specifičnosti ovog fenomena.

Ključne reči:
vizuelna trgovina, dizajn izloga, zanatska radnja, izlog, prodavnica komercijalne robe, scenski dizajn, urbana komunikacija

Although today we can consider each space–time unit as a space of spectacle, contemporary city becomes a dominant spatial framework for different stage phenomena. In the time of mass production and consumption of everything, including the works of art, when market takes over the logic, means and character of the theatre and applies them to every aspect of contemporary life, theatricality of commercial shop windows becomes a paradigm of „the society of spectacle“. The philosophy of commodities display assumes a significant use of stage tools. By linking visual merchandising with the overall profit of a shop, the concept of commodity presentation acquires a stage value or intentional scenic quality that directly and unambiguously enters in the service of the consumer society. This is why the identity building process of a commercial shop is based on the overall ideology of a brand name or the constitution of the image of the life style represented by that brand. In becoming a significant part of the entire stage design image of the space in front and behind the „set“, the „scene“ in the window of a commercial shop resembles the real stage space and becomes the place of persuasion and satisfaction of the consumers' imagination. At the same time, an authentic expression of an artisanal shop window, notwithstanding the fact that soon such a window will no longer exist in the real life of a contemporary city, remains a lasting value and an example of a possible organic link between the producer, the product, the presenter and representation. The business philosophy of a traditional artisanal shop assumes a specific way of display – the artisan himself not only creates the product but also places it in the window and the product thus becomes the means of representation. With their shapes, the properties of the material, colour and spatial interrelations, the displayed objects create an ambience in which the product itself unintentionally incurs a scenic value. Such a shop window can establish communication through its closeness and create a specific relationship between the „stage“ and the „auditorium“. An artisanal shop window thus becomes the paradigm of integrated approach to the process of production and presentation.

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