Zavičajni muzej Jagodina, Srbija

IZMEĐU OBIČNOG I UZVIŠENOG: pođenje prestolonaslednika Petra II Karađorđevića u vizuelnim i štampanim medijima Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca
BETWEEN THE ORDINARY AND THE SERENE: The Birth of Crown Prince Peter II Karađorđević in Visual and Print Media in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

Zbornik 12/2016 (Muzej primenjene umetnosti), strana 9-17

Kategorija članka: originalni naučni rad


U tekstu su analizirani snimci kraljevske porodice Karađorđević, fotografa Vladimira Benčića, nastali 1923. godine prilikom rođenja prestolonaslednika Petra II. Oni su u širem kontekstu sagledani kao deo opšte prakse evropskih monarhija da masovne medije koriste u funkciji dinastičke propagande kao specifičan oblik komunikacije sa podanicima. Osim vizuelnih dokumenata, analizirani su i tekstovi o rođenju prestolonaslednika objavljeni u prestoničkoj i lokalnoj štampi. Prateći odnos dinastičke propagande i masovnih medija, ukazano je na ulogu koju su masovni mediji, kao važno sredstvo kreiranja javnog mnjenja, imali u popularisanju kralja Aleksandra Karađorđevića i njegove porodice i u formiranju osećaja bliskosti i povezanosti vladarskog doma i podanika.

Ključne reči:
vladarska propaganda, masovni mediji, Petar II Karađorđević, fotografija

The paper presents an analysis of the photographs of the Karađorđević royal family made by the photographer Vladimir Benčić in 1923 at the birth of Crown Prince Peter II, and articles about the event published in daily press.

Attention is first drawn to the role of mass media, as a practical means of disseminating royal ideology in public, while establishing the new position that European monarchs and the monarchy as an institution had to take in the life of a th nation during the 19 century. It was believed that the popularity of the ruling dynasties depended on how successfully they managed to represent themselves as a combination of the ordinary and the serene with the aim of establishing a specific communication and emotional ties with their subjects.

The paper further analyzes the coverage of the Crown Prince's birth in print and visual media in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The photographs of the Karađorđević royal couple with the newborn Crown Prince show an image of the royal family that is close and acceptable to the masses and that enables them to be indirectly involved in the Crown Prince's birth. These photos are infused with functional emotionality and they are marked with an informal visual presentation. The marriage between the King and the Queen is depicted as the epitome of an idyllic and harmonious marriage, a model for their subjects, while the Queen is shown as an ideal woman, wife and mother. The newborn Crown Prince was seen as the symbol of the newly established Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. His birth not only ensured the continuity of the dynasty but it also confirmed the stability of the newly founded state, which was particularly highlighted in newspaper articles.

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