istoričar umetnosti, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd

PREDMET MOĆI I ŽELJE: porcelan iz Sevra u Belom dvoru
THE OBJECTS OF POWER AND DESIRE: The Sevres Porcelain in The White Palace

Zbornik 9/2013 (Muzej primenjene umetnosti), strana 45-55

ИД 203969292

Koristeći dosadašnja istraživanja i naučna dostignuća na polju izučavanja vizuelne kulture i estetike porcelana, rad predstavlja analizu i pokušaj novog tumačenja servisa iz Kraljevske manufakture u Sevru (Manufacture royale de porcelaine de Sèvres) u okvirima državne politike prezentacije dvora Kraljevine Jugoslavije u vreme kneza Pavla Karađorđevića. Poznato je da predmeti od porcelana egzistiraju kao specifično dizajnirana vrsta objekata u različitim međuljudskim odnosima kroz vreme. Kako bi otkrili mehanizme koji pokreću kolekcionare i korisnike takvih predmeta moderni naučnici polaze od fascinacije porcelanom karakteristične za XVIII vek, objašnjavajući je kao rezultat intenzivne evropske „kulturne investicije“ u tom stoleću. Ta pojava se tumači kao istorijski, sociološki i kulturni fenomen modernog doba. To je bio povod da se razmatraju sociološki i čak psihološki procesi na osnovu kojih predmeti bivaju odabirani, sakupljani ili korišćeni. Drugačiji način interpretiranja jedinstvenog servisa iz umetničke kolekcije Dvorskog kompleksa, uzimajući u obzir vreme nastanka, estetiku i vizuelne karakteristike, upravo predstavlja i cilj rada.

Ključne reči:
Beli dvor, grof od Artoa, državna umetnička zbirka Dvorskog kompleksa na Dedinju, knez Pavle Karađorđević, porcelan, manufaktura u Sevru

Based on the up to date scholarly research in the field of visual culture and aesthetics of porcelain, this essay represents, at the same time, an analysis and an attempt to interpret the porcelain serving set of Comte d'Artois from Sevres, within the frame of the politics of presentation and collection practices of the Yugoslav court during the fourth decade of the 20th century.

Starting from the various scientific approaches in the research of the 18th -century fascination with porcelain as a specific cultural phenomenon, we attempt to discover the mechanisms that serve as driving forces for collectors and that foster their wish to possess such objects.

In the first part of the essay, we point to the basic facts about the production of porcelain in France, as well as about the formation of the prestigious Royal Manufacture at Sevres, where the serving set of Comte d'Artois was produced. It the second part of the essay we deal with the varied approaches to interpretation of the Early Modern craze for porcelain, mostly delineating its importance in cultural and sociological frames. Special segment is dedicated to creation of this particular serving set, its high artistic production and craftsmanship, as well as to its history. In the essay, we point to the latest scholarly research that shows that the wish to possess and collect porcelain during Early Modern era was directly related to the emphasis on political power. In this sense, we accentuated the research in the field of the Early Modern history of emotions, which points to the introduction of new model of emphasis on political power through the control of emotions, in which porcelain played a prominent role. Although the circumstances were quite different in the time of Prince Pavle, the assumption is that the important motif for the selection of this particular porcelain serving set was the fact that it was created for the Spanish court, at Comte d'Artois' commission. The political and historic circumstances during the Prince's regency point, by all means, to his political presentation in which the important segment was the choice of objects for the state art collection of the White Palace.

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